Flailing on the Flail Mower

So I got my plot this past weekend and operated a flail mower for the first time to mow my plot.  In all honesty, I didn't do as well as I thought I could.  I feel really weak, and my arms are still aching from the few passes I did mowing my plot.  I had a hard time pivoting the BCS when I had to make 180 degree turns, and I accidentally let my hand off the safety handle and killed my engine.  I'm realizing that I learn mechanical tasks best by doing them over and over.  Hopefully I'll get the hang of the BCS eventually, but in the mean time, I think it's time to get back into some weight training.

It was exciting, though, to actually mow my plot and get one step closer to growing stuff in it.  Here are some of my classmates mowing:

I got a plot closer to the far end.  I think it didn't get as much cover cropping time in, but oh well... I'm just excited to have soil to grow stuff in!  It's been frustrating trying to grow more in containers on my lanai.  I've been looking into various properties with large yards to start growing in the ground, but so far they've been unattainable.

We got a lot done early, so we enjoyed various taro cultivars our coach made for us, then headed home early.  Next week we rototill, again on the BCS.  Oh boy...


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