I visited the farm during my lunch break and saw that my plot is essentially serving as a feast for little critters. I feel so helpless -- I haven't been trained in organic methods of managing pests, so I can't spray them with anything other than compost tea or do anything but squish or swat them away for the 30 minutes I'm there. I'm not sure I'll have anything left to sell at our CSA.
My Rainbow Lacinato and Toscano kales look pretty sad :( |
What's left of the Swiss chard (left) is full of holes and pretty limp.
I don't anyone who'd be thrilled about seeing this in a CSA box. |
What's even more disappointing is realizing that after AgSchool, I might not be able to make the time commitment to enter AgPro during session. I've toyed with the idea of changing jobs or drastically changing my life just to accommodate my desire to farm, but that seems a little selfish and rash. I still have lots to think through before I decide.
Breathtaking views at Otsuji Farm, smack dab in the middle of
a residential neighborhood in Hawaii Kai
At the end of the day, instead of going to class, we visited Otsuji Farm. It was refreshing to hear Michelle, who is transitioning into ownership of the farm, be very honest about her trials and tribulations in acquiring the farm. She cried a couple of times, and it was apparent to everyone that she had invested a lot of time, money, and hope into the farms. She thought the deal wasn't going to go through, but it worked out in the end. I wonder if my farm dream will have a happy ending too, or if the purpose of GoFarm was just to lead me onto a different path in life. I'm trying to enjoy the journey and not be too disappointed when I can't get what I want -- things like land to farm, time to farm, and support from family and friends -- but it's hard. I haven't wanted to do anything this badly in a while. I guess I should see if this desire persists before I make huge changes or investments.
In the meantime, I'm continuing to grow lots of things at home. I guess I've started growing enough to attract pests, so I'm facing lots of aphid pressure now and struggling to figure out a way to deal with it. I'm trying to grow some watermelon, but the aphids are sucking the life out of that plant, and there are big black ants sopping up the honeydew all over the leaves.
Baby baby carrots! |
Baby carrots after a good washing |
My first try growing watermelon. I really hope I can figure this out
for my Mom, who could probably eat a watermelon a day, all by herself! |
Kalo seems do be doing well, although it keeps growing leaves. I can't tell what the corm development is like. |
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